Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crabby Tuesday

Israel woke up crabby today, which always sets the tone for the day.  I never know what mood I will get him in upon waking.  Fortunately, he has been in a fair and even mood for the majority of wake-ups this school year, but days like today remind me of times when he would make horrible comments like, "I'm going to cut your neck off"  or "I'm going to kill you!"  over something so innocent as asking him what he wants for breakfast, or reassuring him that yes, he does have to go to school.  Today it was because he wanted "freezer raviolis" for breakfast and I told him no because they take too long to make.  He had a fit, turned away with a scowl and said, "Fine!  Then I won't eat anything and I won't watch Spongebob either!"  I used to get angry and try to reason with him when he was in this mood, but now I just go along with it.  "OK, then you will be really hungry all day, and if you misbehave at school your teacher and Daddy and I will be very unhappy with you."  He finally, grouchily agreed on something else, and gobbled it up with pleasure once it was in front of him.  I was feeling a bit discombobulated this morning and couldn't get my timing on, so we ran a little too late for him to get an adequate dose of caffeine, but he did get a few sips of coffee, and by the time we got to the bus stop, he was asking if I think it would be awesome if he has another great day in a row.  He smiled at me sweetly and promised to try.  I make sure he understands that having a good day and making good choices makes HIM feel better, that it's not just for everyone else.  It will be interesting to see how his day goes.  Yesterday he had absolutely zero caffeine and had a great day.  That's the puzzle with him, his mood changes so quickly I never know what to expect. 
Zach was his usual, perky self this morning.  He doesn't like it when the sun "isn't up yet" when he wakes, and today was cloudy and drizzling, so he was concerned that the sun wouldn't come out before school.  If I think about it in his terms, that is probably his best indicator he has to judge what time it is.  Maybe he assumed it would be too early.  Anyway, he worked through his morning very well, and even had a few spare minutes to make a picture of the wind before climbing on his bus.  I don't get much feedback from his teachers, so I assume his days go good.  It will be interesting to see how he does in "normal" first grade next year. 
I have promised to bring them to McDonald's playland this weekend if they both have a good week all week.  They are impatient, but I think the incentives do work.  We will see.

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